It has come to our attention that our SEFM exhibitors, as well as other similar events in the industry have recently been contacted by outside companies referring to aspects of our show including exhibit space and hotel accommodations. Note that the SEFM directly books, as noted on our travel tab, and our hotels are the only official hotel provider associated with our event.
While other housing companies, hotel resellers, hotel brokers, may contact you offering accommodations for your trip, they are not endorsed by or affiliated with the show. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.
Our only event staff that may contact you includes: Angela O’Reilly, Kathy Sullivan, Lori Kisner, Barbara Stroup, & Samantha Baker.
If you have any concerns or if you are contacted by any outside person or company, let us know by forwarding on the email received or provide us with the name and phone number of the person you talked to, in order for our legal team to reach out and stop this unlawful practice.
Please Contact:
Barbara Stroup